
As a member of HIBA you can learn, teach, and share your experiences as a beekeeper. Annual Membership dues are $20.

2025 HIBA Annual Membership Dues – $20.00

American Bee Journal, 1-Year – $24.65

American Bee Journal, 2-Years – $46.75

To pay your membership dues by cash or check, please mail the check to the club treasurer as listed on this page or bring the check to the next club meeting. If you have any questions, email for more info.

How-To Sessions:

The Heart of Illinois Beekeepers Association (HIBA) meets regularly—February through October—in Peoria, Pekin, Eureka, and elsewhere for special gatherings. HIBA brings together hobbyist and commercial beekeepers for lectures, demonstrations, field days, and other informative and entertaining activities. They are great places to learn and share.  Thursday and Friday night meetings start at 7:00 p.m. These gatherings are open to the general public, and conclude with a sharing of honey-recipe desserts. Door prizes are awarded at each meeting.


Members receive the Heart of Illinois Beekeepers’ newsletter before each regular meeting.

Discounts on Journals:

A beekeeping journal is available to HIBA members at a substantially reduced rate. The publication is the American Bee Journal.

Decades of Experience:

The Heart of Illinois Beekeepers Association originated in 1982 with the renaming of the Tazewell Beekeepers Association. The Tazewell Beekeepers Association was founded in the early 1900s. We have members with many years of beekeeping experience that are willing to become a mentor for new beekeepers.